Sunday, July 27, 2008

First Step....

I have a paper due in the next 24 hours. Uh let me rephrase that; i have a paper that was due and I got a 24 hour extension. Cant start lying on my first blog post, since I don't have a therapist, like half of LA, and I have an aversion to religious buildings this is my couch. So i cant start the day off on the wrong side so to speak.
So I am stuck on the first page of a 10 page report, staring at the screen and wondering what to write. Huuummmmmm lets pass on the paper for now......
I am Nikolas, Single Black (oops African American) male living in West side of Los Angeles. Use to be employed now a fully time student living off of investments and business residues, till i graduate. Where my blog title comes from. haven't worn flip flops this much since I was 13 years old.
In my family education is required, so i am going back to make my mommy proud. Not sure its the smartest thing since now she can switch back to my lack of spouse and kids as the opening line in our conversations (i talk to my parents 3 -4 times a week) its a running competition how many valid reasons I can come up with for not being married.
This is my last paper before I go on a school break. Haven't decided what I am going to do with myself. Was thinking of hitting Dallas and check out some fourplex apartments for sale.....I'll keep you posted.
"Wearing Black Thong Flips"