Saturday, November 22, 2008

7th day

I started counting off a few days ago. Counting off to what you ask? Not
sure really. I have to make a decision about my life, about me. Been
stuck in invisible box that mvoes with me where ever direction I turn.
Its a very stubborn enclosing, can't break it cause I never really know
where it is.
So a count down has insued. On the day I just decided. No 'pro' or 'con'
lists put together just one decision made and carried out and hope we
start a new count.
No black flip flops today, todays feet ornaments were white socks.
Sent by emoze push mail.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

3:25 AM

I have a paper due in a week. Haven't started on it yet and truthfully
can't seem to get the desire to. Come to think of it haven't had the
desire to do many things. I seem to go thru this endless exercise where
I do so many things that numb out a pain that I can't described and
can't find. The "pain" is there, but where?
Its 3:25 AM, full moon caressing my bedroom walls and I want to sit on
the outside stairs with just the moonlight.
I can't find my black flip flops?!
Sent by emoze push mail.

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Sunday Afternoon

I became engrossed in the whole political process only recently. Finance
is what makes the world go round, politics is what navigates it. The
financial mess the economy is in is an entanglement of the american
dream. Capitalists, me, have come to the conclusion that there is only
so much the government can do, and truthfully can do. The pain of what
the economy is like has to let itself heal. The underlining problem that
we had before the crises kicked in is still there. How much money do you
think the government can put on a check that will fix that? The money
that we so want to bailout all these industries will come from
somewhere, the two questions no one seems to want an answer to is
'Where?' and 'Will the cause of this be resolved?'
Seems I am going to in my black flips flops a little longer.